Graphic Design Journal
AIGA Jacksonville Portfolio Review Recap
On April 17 and 18 AIGA Jacksonville will be putting on its 20th annual Student Portfolio review. This will be the fourth time I have participated as a reviewer. Remembering back to how difficult and confusing it is as a young, inexperienced designer has always fueled my passion to help students develop their trade.
It’s also great to see what the new, young and raw talent are doing these days without the constraint of the corporate design world. In addition to going access to the feedback of professionals, the students will have the opportunity to see speaker Antonio Garcia of Firebelly Design, one of Chicago’s hottest and most respected design firms.
Here is what AIGA Jacksonville says about the conference style event:
The AIGA Portfolio Review weekend offers students insight into the field of graphic design. Friday evening features a nationally recognized graphic designer who talks about design methodology and industry trends with a focus on student success as they enter the field. Saturday students are offered a chance to meet with local design professionals for feedback and criticism of final portfolio work or work in progress. Students not reviewing are welcome to attend the Friday lecture and Saturday to observe the review.
For more information on AIGA Jacksonville or for times and registration fees for this event, visit the website at
Let’s Work Together
63 Visual Design Company
602 Shetter Avenue
Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250